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Make your selectorized strength equipment purchase with confidence—choose the Resolute™ Strength line from Precor. It delivers on what matters most: your investment will withstand the test of time. The start position, roller pad and gas-assisted back pad on the Resolute Strength Leg Extension all adjust easily from the seated position; providing a personalised, comfortable fit that supports proper exercise mechanics.
Biomechanically SoundBefore performing the quadriceps contraction on the Resolute Leg Extension, exercisers can easily adjust the ankle pad to the optimal position for a comfortable lift.
Designed to Go the DistanceChrome-plated linkages not only make adjustments smoother and easier, the high-quality material contributes to a more durable product. Tested to 250,000 cycles using the full weight stack, the Resolute Leg Extension is designed to go the distance.
Focused on the ExperienceWith intuitive, conveniently placed adjustments and a wide comfortable seat, the Leg Extension is quickly adjusted to fit almost every exerciser. Exercisers can adjust the weight stack selection easily from the seated position.